How To Make Cupcakes For Christmas

The colder morning air and the shorter days can only mean one thing – Christmas is near! With all the anticipation, you probably have already planned where you will be spending this year’s holidays. Along with these plans is what you will bring as a token to the host. Perhaps you will have a potluck party? Whatever the reason, you can’t show up empty-handed.

If you know your way around the kitchen, you may volunteer to bring a cake, pie, or even an entrée or two. But if you are one of the countless women who juggle career with having a family, you don’t have the luxury of time. After all, the preparation of an elaborate dish can take up most of the day – you’ll be too flustered to enjoy yourself when you get to the party.

A great solution that is both tasty and simple is a cupcake. You can make cupcakes for Christmas beforehand and just bring a big batch with you. This is perfect as cupcakes are very easy to make. The process is really straightforward: mix everything in a bowl; pour into molds lined with pre-cut cupcake paper; bake according to instructions; and decorate to your heart’s content. The steps can’t come any clearer and simpler. The decorations are where you will make the most difference. You can use premixes but still end up with something unique just by how you decorated it.

The great thing about this is that you can search the web for dozens of cupcake recipes and try them all. You can get your kids to help with the decorating as the process is easy enough even for small children. If you run out of cupcake decorating ideas, this is the perfect route to take. Just lay down all the needed supplies: frosting in different colors, chocolate chips, candy sprinkles, icing in piping bags, candies and preserved fruits for toppings, just about anything edible can be used to decorate your cupcakes. Sit back and just marvel at how little kids can be so good at coming up with cupcake decorating ideas. Watch as smiley faces, patterns, and favorite cartoon characters get made right before your very eyes. Just anticipate the fact that they will eat about half of what they make, so you have to adjust the quantities accordingly.

Older children can have more sophisticated ideas and you will definitely be surprised at what they can do. You can attempt more elaborate themes like a snowman cupcake and not be afraid of not being able to pull it off. You can make fifteen cupcakes and spell out “Merry Christmas” by putting each letter of the phrase onto one cupcake – the extra one is for an exclamation point.

As cupcakes are individual servings, you can whip up different batches to appeal to different tastes. Chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter, even run essence can keep monotony at bay. Just be sure to know which is which as you don’t want to be serving liquor to kids, no matter how small the amount. This can be remedied by color-coding the papers – just know which color is which.

Making cupcakes for Christmas is a fun activity all in itself. Getting your kids involved will make it even more so. Spend the time anticipating the occasion frantically whipping up some.